Saturday, 22 March 2008

Celebrity Knits & Good morning :)

Heather Mills crazy cardi.
If that's not the ugliest thing you see today- I'm sorry for you. *edit: I think the ugly sweater curse is back because... this isn't that bad. In another color? hmm.. thoughts? Here is Vanessa Hudgens cap. I like the red, it adds a bit of punch to an otherwise boring knit. What kind of guage do you think she's got going on...3-4 sts to the inch? I bet the red was knit on afterwards, probably with some elastic to boot!
Billie Ray Burton (Tim Burton & Helena Bonham Carter's son) has a rockin striped skull beanie.


Karoline said...

ohh i like the skull beanie, but the skull on there looks weak.

jennifer said...

That's an intriguing poof in the ribbing on the right sleeve. Very...original?

misplacedpom said...

I'm not sure it's the sweater that's terrible, or the gaping chasm of doom that is Heather Mills' cleavage. SHUDDER.