Sunday, 23 March 2008

new pattern : have you seen labyrinth?

I think everyone on Ravelry has a bit of a routine in terms of using the site. For me, it's messages, friend activity, friends blogs and then a browse/scour through all the new patterns added since last visit. Today I came across a couple that really piqued me interest. The first being Labryinth from Wendy via Stitch Diva Studios
^ was knit by k&twendyShe has got mMaaAAad shaping skillZ.
as seen previously inSizzle and saharah which I particularly liked the ones by mollylouhoo susan and spiral. lablong
Labyrinth's got oodles of shaping in the bust a wide neckline and enough waist shaping to show off some curves. And, it's like Wendy has got me down. My first thought when seeing the pattern was that I'd chop off the sleeves- well she d0ne did it already! Peep the short puff sleeve version.
this and the knit 1 blousant are looking mighty fine rightaboutnow....


Adriana said...

That sweater is gorgeous! I'm definitely going to be watching for FOs.

Anonymous said...

OMG it's gorgeous! I'm adding it right now! I like the long sleeve I think they look pretty dramatic.

Ella said...

I saw this - and I totally agree. Beautiful shaping, a nice lovely tee for summer! I'm going to have to hunt through my stash to see if I have suitable yarn....


Hilary said... many great knits, so little time!

Anonymous said...

Ah, love the neckline... would be just gorgeous with a long, full skirt!

Team Knit said...

Totally, on the skirt.
I'm kinda thinking of it with some denim shorts, or with some crisp khakis. (I think i'd knit it in white)

Nadine Fawell said...

Such cute little summer knits!
I will watch enviously, as we slide into winter in the Southern Hemisphere (although that has its own set of possibilities too!)