The last time I was in Sudbury, I paid a visit to Sweet Yarns, a really wonderful little shop in the south end that has a great selection of yarns and a really friendly vibe. I went to get a replacement needle for a project I was working on, and ended up chatting with their knitting group while I browsed the yarn, and ended up taking home a couple skeins of Malabrigo Rios in 'lotus', specifically to make the Honey Cowl:

This cowl, particularly the bigger size that I'm making, is a lot of mindless knitting, which is great- it's the kind of project you can do while carrying on a conversation, and it's a nice fit for yarns with a lot of colour shifts, which often look so attractive in skein form and then become a bit of a mess when you try to knit anything with them. However, it's not my only knitting project on the go, since I often like something a little more challenging for when I'm feeling like a super knitter. But more on my other projects later.
While trying to get photos, there was a little helper who was eager to get in on the action:

See how some stitches are already coming off the needle? Good helping, Lila!
I love Sweet yarns and don't get to go often enough! You will love your Honey Cowl, colours are lovely.
Cute Lila. My kids like to "help" me with my knitting too.
She's already showing an affinity to pretty coloured yarn:-)
In Lila's defense, I'd also want to pet and squish that lovely yarn! ;-)
Awwwww. At first I thought that that was a giant ball of yarn! Then I realized that it was a wee person holding it :)
I love that pattern, it's on my massive list to do. Those colors are great too.
The color of your yarn is SO beautiful! This shade of pink is perfect :)
hurrah for the honey cowl! it's such a wonderful knit! love the colour you chose. and your helper is the cutest ;) xo
Oups! Don't worry Lila, this is how you learn! The cowl looks beautiful so far in those colors, ah Malabrigo!
Good start for little Lila! Such a pretty purple...
How so adorable Lila is with her beautiful hands on the yarn! She is SO cuddely-provoking!!
Wow, it really flies off the needles when you have someone to help you....
Maybe Lila is too young to know about idioms? (she is just too sweet, though!)
All too often I stop somewhere (a yarn shop, or even a web site) with the intention of just getting one small thing and somehow I am swept away by all the yarn!
Those colors are so pretty. Your honey cowl looks like it will be beautiful when its done.
Hahaha, yes, good helping! That photo is SO adorable...and the cowl will be gorgeous!
Looks great! Babies love to "help" with knitting projects! Almost as much as cats...
I love the Honey Cowl! Yours looks great as a WIP. It doesn't hurt that there's some super cute baby hands holding it, too.
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