So, despite the fact that through the Ravelry minifeed of blog updates, I probably read 100+ knitting blogs somewhat regularly (whew!), here are ten that I would like to nominate for the award:
* Elizabeth at http://geeyouknit.net/blog/
*James at http://www.subdueitwithasweater.blogspot.com/
*Amanda at http://sticks-and-tones.blogspot.com/
*Lekkercraft at http://lekkercraft.blogspot.com/
*Glenna at http://crazyknittinglady.wordpress.com/
*Marce at http://thebrownberry.blogspot.com/
*Erin at http://girlwhoknits.blogspirit.com/
*Hilary at http://theyarniad.blogspot.com/
*Margaux at http://margauxelena.typepad.com/
* Mary-Heather at http://www.rainydaygoods.com/
And trust me, you guys all make us happy- the comments, the love, and your own blogs that are so freaking inspiring they make me want to run and grab my needles and furiously cast on for whatever it is you guys are all making next.
And Penny (whom I love dearly, as she has spoiled me rotten in a past swap) has tagged me in a meme, so here it goes:
Seven Random Facts
1. I cannot even begin to tell you how much I enjoy eating peanut butter out of the jar with a spoon. I have a special long handled spoon for when I get near the bottom.
2. I still get asked for ID in bars, restaurants, and liqour stores. I turn 30 this year.
3. I have a little brother, who is 11 years old. We don't live together but when I spend time with him, I try to teach him how to cook. I secretly harbour fantasies of him becoming the next Jamie Oliver and crediting me, his adoring sister, for setting him on the path of culinary fame and fortune.
4. I like to read poetry in the bathroom.
5. I don't have laundry facilities in my apartment, and am too lazy to trek to the laundromat, so I hand wash almost my entire wardrobe. Yes, even jeans.
6. I buy myself flowers every week,and they make me so happy. I mean, who doesn't want to come home and see a beautiful bouquet of flowers?? This time of year I am addicted to tulips.
7. I have very recently fallen for someone. And every time I think about it, I have the biggest, goofiest grin on my face.
I feel like I've already tagged a bunch of people in this post, so if anyone would like to join this meme, consider yourself tagged!!
Bah! Now I'm blushing. You guys make my day too!
I'm so honored, and touched, and...and....THANKS!!
Right back at you!! :)
But isn't that big, goofy grin just the best? ;) *sigh*
I want my brother to be famous too. I don't really care what he does, as long as he buys me a house and a nice car. It doesn't even have to be convertible or anything, just shiny. :D
Honestly, in addition to having made my day yesterday when I saw this, you have also made my day today! Thank you again...I feel so honored!!
Ok, I just gave the award right back to you!! It's on the blog...
Thank you for the award! You make my day too :)
Julie, you two totally deserve the you make my day award! And you totally made my day today -- thank you so much for your compliment on my CPH - a compliment from you is a total honor! seriously!
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