I've been working on
Pasha, the penguin stuffy from
Knitty. It's going to be a gift for my stepdad, a gift that he requested. When he saw my tiger, he said he really wanted me to knit him a stuffed animal. So, enter Pasha:

I would really like to sew up Pasha and stuff him, but I can't- I have run out of safety eyes, and my trip to Walmart (Why no, Walmart in December is not an insane zoo that should be avoided at all costs....)came up empty handed. I'm sure I can find them somewhere in the city, but I hate it when something's all knitted up and all it needs is finishing. I worry that I'll loose one of the pieces somehow.
And today in the post, a lovely present arrived!!!

This was from
Christine, who organized the Wes Anderson theme swap. She didn't start off as my partner, but since mine vanished, she was wonderful enough to step in and save the day. What a sweetie!! My lovely package includes:Key Lime and white chocolate cookies, 2 skeins of a lovely Life Aquatic-inspired yarn already spun into delicious little yarn cakes, a raspberry choclate bar, A mind-blowingly soft skein of Suri Alpaca, along with instrucitons for knitting a ebanie she designed! And most impressively, a fabulous red beanie inspired by Team zissou from The Life Aquatic. I wanted to do a modelled shot, but I'm in pyjamas, and I just got out of the shower, and it all seemed like too much trouble. I will show it off soon, though.
In general life news, I've recently resigned from my day job. I was offered a new one,at a different company, which I'll be starting January 3rd. The new job is more money, less work, a more prestigious positon and all that jazz. But for some reason, I've been weepy and maudlin about it. It's really quite pathetic. I had no idea I liked my job and my coworkers so much.
The other day we were supposed to meet in the boardroom for some Christmas fun- an ornament swap. but when I got there, there was a card and a gift and a cake that said, "Congratulations Julie". And for some reason, I panicked. I guess I just felt ambushed. I left the room, went to the exit stairwell of my office building, ran up 5 flights of stairs, and then sat down.
I hid in the stairwell for 45 minutes to avoid the party. Yes, you read that right- I HID FROM MY OWN FAREWELL PARTY. When I eventually snuck back to my desk, my dearest coworkers pretended nothing unusual had happened. A cup of tea and a slice of cake were at my desk, along with the gift, and a card. I eyed all of these things suspiciously (except the tea), pushed them aside, and went back to work. I drank the tea, but everything else had to wait- I wasn't ready to deal with it. I was going to get all weepy again. Eventually, I did open the card and the gift. And this is what they got me:

A beautiful skein of Fleece Artist Goldielocks, already wound into a lovely yarn cake. So not only did I hide from my farewell party, I hid from yarn.
Just to let you know, I hand dyed that yarn and I have the gauge just not on hand... I'll let you know what it is... later hehe. I'm happy to hear you were offered a wonderful position! Change is good, don't be afraid!
Aww, that is so sweet! You must be very very loved, and I'm sure you will be at your new job too.
Congrats on the new job and the yummy yummy yarn :)
Don't worry for the new job, I can't wait to have a new one myself, so enjoy it ! Congrat ! and so for the yarn too.
New jobs can be scary, I just started mine, but it gets better...I promise.
I love the fact your coworkers bought you yarn. My former coworkers just yelled at me for 'jumping ship'. My new coworkers? Bring me Satrbucks gift card. I think I may like this whole "trying something new thing"
Hope you have a great weekend:)
sweet... a yarn cake
any big change always leaves me crying... but I still love change (go figure)... I am sure that the new job will be great!
Oooh, yarn! I bet your new job will be awesome. Change is scary though, I'd probably hide too.
I got plain black safety eyes at Pearl Paint Craft Store (not the main arts store but the one down the back street behind it).
Hope that helps!
You're not pathetic at all! Change can be really, really hard, even when it's positive, and especially when there are nice people involved. I went through the same thing when I moved to San Francisco -- had actually been hating my situation and wanted very badly to move for about a year...until I made the decision, and then all I could do was cry and think about all the things/people I was going to miss. Anyway, congratulations on your new job, and I can't wait to see your finished Pasha (I love that little guy)!
At job interviews,I also would say "adaptability" was a strength of mine...sure, once I'm settled AT the new job, not before, of course. lol. Hang in there. Even positive changes brings growing pains.
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