Sunday, 6 April 2008

FO: Demeter Camisole

The fact that I kind of disappeared from blog land for a couple of weeks reconfirmed something that Jen and I talked about at the very beginning of Team Knit- that since there are two of us, one of us could always carry the blog for a bit while the other was either a) lagging behind on their knitting, b) tending to their crazy and overly dramatic life, or c) captured by a roving band of kittens and puppies and forced to succumb to their cuteness for days on end. C hasn't happened yet, but I remain hopeful. Mine would be option B, but I'm not going to get into that quite yet....

I got a new camera, I need to spend a bit more time sorting it out (I don't seem to have time for much these days, but good blog photos will be a high priority). I didn't realize until I was cropping these photos that I'm obviously not shooting at the highest resolution I could be. So my apologies on that one, I'll fix that pronto.

So, on to the FO! Here's the front: And the back: And the side:
Pattern: Demeter Camisole, from Sensual Knits
Yarn: Elann Sock it to Me 4 ply
needles: US 4mm and 3.5 mm
Mods: I wasn't crazy about the split neckline, so instead of doing the neckline as specified in the pattern, I p3 together every time the pattern called for sl2, p2tog. And I got this neckline, which I really like:Notes: I wasn't getting gauge, and I didn't want to go up a needle size with such fine yarn, so I just made a size larger (that would be medium) instead). It was still a bit on the small side. I'm going to wet block it again, so it'll be a smidgen bigger. And the bigges tnote of all... The lace curls. Big time. I wet blocked that lace edge and pinned it just so for days... why is it curling?? Why??? I can't get it to stop curling. Here's a close up of the lace edge:
I did have a slight problem with the dye lot of this yarn, but when I sent an email to Elann, they were really excellent. They sent me a replacement skein, free of charge (of course) the next day. But then I've always thought they have great customer service.

I have another project on the go... The Eyelet Ribbed Bandeau from the Spring 2007 Interweave Knits (Ravelry link). I've loving it, the yarn is so sprongy and soft.. it's Tebe Extrafine Merino from Filati (which I bought on It's awesome, I'd definitely use it again. Just look at that:< href="">

So how supercute are these?! Gardening Socks!Truth be told, For reasons I can't quite explain, I'm kind of coveting that carrot apron, too. I saw this on the Bluelines blog this morning, and fell in love. Considering how much both Jen and I love to garden, I'm amazed we've lived this long without them. Apparently, they are from Bronwyn Lowenthal's book, Love to Knit Socks. I checked it out on Ravelry, and doesn't seem to be there yet- Has anyone made any socks from the book? Reviews? Etc?


jennifer said...
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Chrispy said...

Your pics did not upload correctly so they are just showing a white space. I really hope to see your new sweater.

Glenna C said...

Preeeetttyyyy camisole! Dude, I'd totally knit that. I bet it's versatile and comfortable.

Team Knit said...

Hmm. don't know what to say about that... I can see them on my work computer! Let me if you're still having problems.

- Julie

Nadine Fawell said...

Cute cami! Welcome back - and that apron? I wouldn't mind one either.

Anonymous said...

I can't see the pictures either. Just white boxes... :(

-Legerdemain on ravelry

Anonymous said...

Lovely camisole! I hope the crazy dramatic life issues sort themselves out soon. Surely in your fabulous new sweater, they will.

jennifer said...

I can see some of the photos now...nice job on the modifications! The neckline is very flattering on you!

Anonymous said...

Great cami (but grr for curling, wish I had a suggestion)! I really like the color you chose, and your neckline mods.

Hilary said...

It's so pretty! I really like the way you did the neckline (I'm not one for a split neckline either) and the color is beautiful on you!

Jackie said...

I don't have any advice for the curling you are experiencing, but I just wanted to comment that I really like the tank. It looks very cute and very wearable.

Team Knit said...

Great post kitten! I can see demeter slipping nicely into your cami wardrobe. Love that lace edge too, even if it does curl. Are my eyes deceiving me or was part of it crochet?


Anonymous said...

I tagged you ladies for a meme--whoever wants to respond first? or divide and conquer? Hope you'll participate, and pass it on...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comment - crochet toys are awesome! Its actually pretty simple to crochet, however I'm much better at knitting. I think i'm going to have to buy that book now so I can make the demeter camisole. Its so pretty!