Friday, 29 February 2008

No, lungs. You belong in my chest.

Ah-hoy-hoy. It's been a mixed bag of great times, roller blading, phlegm and hospitals for me this past week. Early last Tuesday I began to have bizarre chest pains close to my sternum that began gradual then *BLAMO-! An attack would hit and I'm unable to expand my lungs just managing to take the shallowest of breaths. I found myself inexplicably pressing on the painful area like it was a stubbed toe. In total I probably had about 20ish episodes before the big one hit on Wednesday morning that landed me in the ER. Since I was coughing up a storm they put me in an isolated room, which was nice because it gave me the only element of privacy for the day. I've never had so many people poke and prod my chest, pull down my gown and slap on electrode after electrode. I was a freakin passport of tests, not to mention how hard it is to get the sticky residual goop off. WTF people, WTF!
And those nasal oxygen tubes? Oh yeh. Hot(feverish) mess coming through! After all was said and done I was diagnosed with a really bad bronchial chest infection with a side of costochondritis So I've been at home (going stir crazy) resting up and trying to keep hydrated. I have a couple posts in the works- my branching out is almost done, I cast on for the skating sweater and the diamond scarf which will be done very soon thanks to the crazy huge gauge. I also have a picture recap of the BCSD weekend. But because my mental strength has all but exhausted, I leave you with some new MEME funnies that practically killed me.


soknitpicky said...

Oh no! Hope you recover soon.

Anonymous said...

Geez, that sounds awful! I hope you're well on the way to feeling better, and thanks for the cute cats-- "Invisible movie explosion" really got me!

Viktoria said...

That sounds awful! I hope you feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

That sounds terrible, get well soon! Thanks for posting the lolcats... I especially like that flat seal.

Knit - R - Done said...

I'm sorry you are sick. I used to be a lab tech. Rubbing alcohol (hand sanitizer) or baby oil will remove electrode adhesive residue. I used to have to rip those babies of hairy, hairy men. It works.

Maryse said...

Hope you're feeling better by now. That infection seems awful... Love the polar bear shot ;-)

Ella said...

Holy crap! I'm glad you're on the mend! Lung infections are scary...

... but on the bright side, you got some knitting time. Though I'm not sure that's really the best way to go about it. :D

Hope you feel better soon!

James said...

As far as not being able to breathe and all of that dying mess, STOP IT! Up untill this point I've been able to avoid lol catz, or at least observe the phenominon with an air of disdain, but I lost it when I read your post. I am dork.

Vouray said...

Hope you feel better soon! Knit knit knit!

CurlyToot said...

not being able to breathe is the scariest thing!

Hope you feel better!

Love Lol Cats too :)

chookie said...

Hope you are feeling better =D .

Nadine Fawell said...

Eeek! Get better soon!
Your sense of humour is intact though, I see.

Team Knit said...

You guys are amazing, I appreciate every ounce of support greatly!


yoel said...

Oh you poor thing. Rest, read, knit, and drink plenty of fluids. And eat candy. Dr's orders!

kelli ann said...

do you understand how much i love LOL cats? and because i don't think you do.

have you ever been to not as great as the others, but still adorable and hilarious.

Anne said...

I hope you are feeling better! That sounds so so nasty. I've been feeling pretty sorry for myself lately, but you just made my lil' cold feel as gentle as a passing sneeze.

Love the invisible movie explosion and the shoes on sale. Two of my fave lol cats.