Jen wore a barbie pink shapeless 80's sweater with black sequin stripes, and I wore a gold and black sparkly 'mom' sweater with flying-squirrel sleeves (because sweater should give you a wing span), shapeless enough to instantly give you that I've-had-4-kids kind of figure. We went shopping (with Rebecca, see below) at Value Village for our stunning finds.

The funny thing was, the idea of an ugly sweater is so subjective. And there was a lot of lively debating with strangers at the party over whether or not a sweater was truly 'ugly'. And we were never really sure if our friend Rebecca's sweater was ugly, or just way too big:

Facebook is now littered with a billion photos of that night. Several photos I do not exactly remember being taken, and Jen and I spent waay too much time having a drunken conversation about how we should knit an entire chess set, and how we would go about knitting the different peices. I sloshed around a lot of wine during that conversation.
That's my kind of party.
A bunch more ugly sweaters here: http://www.kineticform.com/
OK seriously, this is the BEST IDEA EVER. Now I suddenly want to have an Ugly Sweater party. And I love the pics, personally I think your sweaters aren't ugly enough ;)
We tried so hard! Next year I have the best sweater ever - kittens and googley eyes.
Yep, that's kittens and googley eyes.
What is this aran sweater doing at that party?
I kind of like your crazy gold and black mom sweater. My favorite is the one with the soaring eagle sewn on the front.
OMG such a good party starter !!! We recently have a "mystery Murder" party and we were dress so bad that was hard not to laugh too often...
I think glenna is right you had protect your dignity, your sweater should have been worst...
Hope you had good time !!!
orata: I know right? That's our friend Glenn wearing the aran sweater. In his defense he didn't know it was an "ugly" sweater party, he just thought it was a knit sweater party.
haha... good times! I love crazy idea parties
It's amazing how cute everyone looks in their ugly sweaters! Perhaps, when everyone wears one, they cease to become ugly. Don't worry, I'm not suggesting we take back the ugly sweater as some sort of new so uncoool it's hip subculture thing... but as for the party idea...fantastic!
That is genius! Not just because it looks like fun, but because it gives me an excuse to buy those horribly tacky sweaters I so admire in thrift stores. You have given me a true light in my life. Thank you.
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