Wednesday 28 November 2007

First Ever FO- back in '85

So that's me, at 7 years old. Check out those two front teeth, MIA. check out those snowpants. Check out those elephant earmuffs!!! I wish I still had those blue elephant earmuffs, they were fabulous. See that scarf? That is my very first FO, a purple and white striped garter stitch scarf. I think I made it when I was in Brownies - because you KNOW I got my knitting badge!! Anyway, I'm currently trapped at a work meeting out of town, I'm sleep deprived, over caffienated and overfed, and dying to get out of here. And my hotel room is so freaking cold, I slept with Lady Eleanor (WIP) around my neck and shoulders. With the needles attached and everything. Turns out even a good WIP can keep you warm when necessary. I can't wait to finish it- SO close!!


Hilary said...

Sooo adorable! :) My first FO was also a stripey garter stitch scarf back in the '80's...but yours is much cuter!

Anonymous said...

I did not earn my knitting badge and now I'm wondering why. Hrm. Anyway, I am usually in the same position when trying to ice skate only sans smile. :) Very nice scarf.

c h r i s t i n e said...

You were one hot kid. Ignore how much I sound like a pedophile. I am totally envious of those magenta ski pants.

I totally should warn you when I say I mailed a package that means I will mail it in two days. I tried to send it out Monday but they were telling me I had to get like a special customs notice or something, so I actually got your package out today. Hopefully the dogs won't find the surprises I didn't list on the customs form (and the fish I put in there... just kidding.)

Oh and I should let you know, I sent you something with the intention of you test knitting the pattern, if you want, but you don't have to. It's an awesome package. Soft. I hope you aren't allergic to scorpions...

OKay, this comment is super long and I think I may be rambling.

Cirilia said...

Look at that posing!! You're fierce! I was a Brownie dropout because--wait for it--I didn't like the hat. I just could not deal with that unflattering acorn-looking felt helmet. I think my next design will be the Brownie's Acorn Redux!

Anonymous said...

You were one cute kid! I think the missing teeth add to that. This also reminds me of my first scarf, a yellow garter stitch monstrosity. What a great first project yours is!

Adriana said...

I love the scarf! I don't remember there being a knitting option for me when I was in Brownies but I probably wasn't interested in it. I seemed to lack motivation to get badges and only worked on them when forced to.

Did you ever go to the Girl Guides store in downtown Sudbury? I think it was in the Grand Theatre building or right next to it. I remember thinking building was scary but the store was so much fun :)

Anonymous said...

You look so cute! I remember a Christmas party at my parents' work (in Soviet Russia, where I spent the first 13 years of my life, before moving to Germany) when I was little ... it was 1985 and I was 7 years old, too. It's funny that I'm commenting on your post right now but didn't even know you existed back then (22 years ago! Wow, I'm getting old!). I'm glad the internet was invented :)
